Business Contacts in 1 minute.

BusinessList is a platform designed to get you in touch with the right people and companies.

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how it works.

Business lists on demand

Get fresh, pre-made lists on demand

Find the prospects you’re looking for based on industry, location, company size, company revenue, job title, job function, and more. Our database provides access to the most direct dials and email addresses than any other market intelligence provider.

customer profiles

Gain sharper customer and account profiles

Understand your target companies and prospects better with our research and profiling services.

Add, validate, and update all the prospect or business database you need.

Marketing data

Keep your mareting data clean and actionable

Get the most value from each data record with our data cleansing solutions.

Remove duplicates, fix errors, fill missing values, update fields, etc.


Simply put, we help our customers generate more revenue.

BusinessList gives you the information you need to reach decision-makers in your target market, so you can connect directly with the right people to close more deals.


Fuel your pipeline with new, targeted leads so you can spend less time prospecting and more time selling.


Identify and connect with your ideal buyers through targeted campaigns, turning prospects to customers in no time.


Access millions of professionals across countless industries to source relevant candidates and fill positions faster.

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features list.

Call us today at (650) 577-1251 or email us at

We strive to provide Our Customers with Top Notch Support to make their Experience easy and efficient.

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how much?


We want to make things simple for you. Evaluate your needs, make a decision and choose one of the three already conceived packages.

get free


per month
  • 3 free software update
  • 1 master account
  • 3GB storage space
  • 5 email accounts
  • unlimited online support
purchase free
get premium


per month
  • 3 free software update
  • 1 master account
  • 3GB storage space
  • 5 email accounts
  • unlimited online support
purchase premium
get exclusive


per month
  • 3 free software update
  • 1 master account
  • 3GB storage space
  • 5 email accounts
  • unlimited online support
purchase exclusive


Get in touch with us.

Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus.

Let’s get in touch...

If you have any suggestion
or you just want to have a chat :)

  • (650) 577-1250
  • (650) 577-1251
  • 1900 S Norfolk
  • St, San Mateo, CA 94403,
  • USA
You can also write to us:

We will do our best
to get back to you within 24h.

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